Friday, March 6, 2015

Ydraw Cruise 2015

To say I have been blessed with the most amazing job is an understatement. I truly love where I work, the people I work with, and the product we offer. I am so happy I decided to step out of my comfort zone a couple years back and apply for this job.

We worked REALLY hard this year and were rewarded with an amazing week cruising to Cozumel, Belize, Honduras, and Grand Cayman. This trip could NOT have come at a better time. We were so insanely busy at work the last few months of the year. EVERYONE wanted their video(s) by the end of the year and we were working like crazy to make that happen.

I can't thank my boss's enough for this opportunity. We had so much fun!!!

We all hopped on a shuttle bus Friday afternoon to head to Vegas to catch our flight to Florida. Once we were in Florida we took a bus to our hotel we were staying at that night. We were all SO hungry by this time so we had a late night pizza party in our hotel room then stayed up talking to our roommates for the night, Tim and Annie. Late night talks are always the best. We love having them as our friends and it was fun getting to have a grown up sleepover. The next morning we got up and headed to the port to get on the cruise ship.

Day 1 was a ship day as we made our way to Cozumel. We did the usual....slept in, ate, catched a few sun rays, ate, played some basketball,  and ate some more!

Day 2: Cozumel

We decided we wanted to rent a scooter and explore the island of Cozumel. My boss, Jace, and his wife, Anne, also got a scooter so we did some exploring with them for a little. We wanted to see some ruins so we headed that direction. We passed the turn and ended up at the end of the island so we turned around and headed back. We found the right turn this time and parked our scooters and started asking people where the ruins were. Well, they pointed right behind us at this tiny little "ruin". Not quite what we were thinking it was going to be but we snapped some pictures anyways and then headed to where the "big" ruins were. Jace and Anne didn't want to go that far so we went by ourselves. So here's the thing...whenever we have been out of the country and people speak Spanish, they usually speak a tiny bit of English as well or can at least make out a few words. NOT HERE. We were driving on this random dirt road and I told Jase that I was pretty sure we weren't on the right road and I began to get a little nervous. There were a few houses every so often on this road but that was about it. We stopped and asked a young boy if he knew how to get to the ruins and he had no idea what we were saying, so we kept going and stopped by a family that was outside. They were pointing in all directions trying to give us instructions but it was making no sense. Finally they hopped on their scooter and helped us get out of this neighborhood and back to the main road. We would have never made it to the ruins if it weren't for them. We were pretty dang lost. We checked out the ruins, took some pics, got eaten alive by mosquito's (you would think I would remember to bring mosquito repellent by now), then headed to find some tacos and horchata before we got back on the cruise ship.


Day 3: Belize
Our plan was to go cave tubing in Belize but they had recently had a storm and the water was too high so it wasn't safe. Boo. So we ended up going to the ruins instead. We took the crappiest van with missing air vents and a terrible tint job, on the "hour" drive (it was much longer). Long drives make for good conversation though...especially with a van full of Ydraw employees. Once we got there I was immediately impressed....they were PRETTY DANG COOL. Much better than what we saw in Cozumel. We even held baby alligators at the end. This day was pretty #unBELIZEable (sorry I had to do it)

We drove right by this sign and I was so sad not to get a picture with it...we WILL go back just for this picture (;

Later this night we watched The Fault In Our Stars at the poolside theater. Jace had never seen it but immediately following the movie he said "Why would you ever watch this? It's so sad!" He's scarred for life...he refuses to watch that movie again.

Day 4: Roatan, Honduras

We got up super early this day (Jase wasn't too thrilled) because I wanted to be sure we weren't rushed for time on this stop. We got a car with Jace and Anne and drove ALL AROUND the island. We stopped to do some zip-lining and it was SO MUCH FUN. We were doing all kinds of flips and tricks. The surroundings were so pretty and green! This was probably my favorite stop of the trip. I'd love to go back there some day. We ended up having PLENTY of time so we got to squeeze in a nap this day. 

 Day 5: Grand Cayman

It was so much fun getting to go back to one of our honeymoon destinations! Grand Cayman is beautiful and I don't think there will ever come a day when I am not terrified of the sting rays. I always have fun going out and swimming with them, but it is still scary for me. Tim and Annie came with us and as soon as we got in the water the boys took off snorkeling and left the girls behind. Last time we were here the water was calm and I could reach the bottom of the sand bar. This time the waves were going crazy and each with each wave it would lift both Annie and I up off the ground. We were FREAKING out because they tell you to shuffle your feet instead of picking them up so you don't step on a sting ray and get stung. So naturally each time a wave picked us up, we were screaming and laughing and just going crazy. Thank goodness I had Annie by my side though, since Jase completely left me to fend for myself. We had a blast this day and we even met some people from Utah that were on our same boat. It was fun chatting with them as well!! 


Day 6: Another ship day which consisted of some ping pong, ice cream cones, smoothies, and eating all of our favorite foods on the ship for the last time!

So many fun memories from this week! I'm totally missing this as I am writing about it! Guess I will just have to look forward to #ydrawcruise2016 (;
Not the best picture BUT I had to share

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