Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Proposal Story

So, we've had a bunch of phone calls, texts, and messages asking the whole story of how Jase proposed, and requests for pictures of the ring and what not...so I decided it'd be easiest to write a blog post with all the details and pictures for everyone to see. Hope you enjoy (:

First of all I have to give credit to Jase and his family, because they all played it off SO good. I really was not expecting a proposal from Jase that night (6/29/07). Thinking back on things, there are a few things that if I thought about it hard enough, could have hinted towards what was going to happen. I'm glad I didn't though and that it came as a surprise.

On Friday night me and Jase were talking and he asked if I had any ideas of what we could do Saturday night. A little bit ago he got some vouchers for a movie and dinner in Springdale that we keep meaning to use, and we thought Saturday night might work. I checked the movie time and the movie wasn't playing til 8pm which wouldn't work because Jase had to work at 10pm. So I let him know and he mentioned he could come to St. George and we could maybe go bowling or something. Then a little later he texted me and said his mom had gotten free movie tickets and she wanted to use them as a family and go to a movie. I asked him what movie and he replied "Idk, the new one". I didn't question him, just asked what time so I knew when I needed to be in Hurricane.

Jase had worked a grave shift Friday night and so he had been sleeping most the day after he got off. Once I got to Hurricane I was thinking, "I better make sure Jase is up so we aren't late to the movie". I sat and was talking to his family for a while raving on about how me and Jase were "never" going to get engaged (haha). This is when his family did a great job at playing things off. I finally decided I needed to go upstairs and wake Jase up, but then his mom told me he was already awake and in the shower and had asked for a haircut before we left (that is a big deal for Jase, usually I FOR SURE have to wake him up for things to make sure we are on time and  I usually have to FORCE him to get a haircut cause he hates getting them). I should have known something was up (;

While his mom was cutting his hair  he asked me if I was okay going to the movie and I said "Well yeah, what else would we do in Hurricane tonight?" Then he started saying that he wasn't sure if he was in the mood or not for a movie tonight but he sister made a comment that it was good family time and "convinced" him to go to the movie with everyone. (I'm telling ya, they all played it off SOOOOO good). 

So,  now it was about time for the movie to start so Jase's mom handed us all our "VIP Pass" for the movie, and we made our way down to the theater. I asked his sister Jessica how their mom had gotten these tickets for free and she just kept saying "I really have no idea". Later she said she wasn't sure what I was told so she just said that so she didn't ruin the surprise.

As we were walking in to the theater I was telling Jase and Jessica about a dream I had that Jase had asked me to marry him and I HATED the ring. (I'm sure this comment made him a little nervous as he was about to ask me for real).

We gave the workers our tickets and walked in to our movie. The movie we were going to "see" was White House Down and Jase's mom kept saying she heard it was really good. We found seats and  settled in for our movie.

The previews started playing and I was just enjoying myself. After all the previews played (when the lights completely dim and the movie is supposed to start) a computer screen appeared and I kinda laughed and looked at Jase and said "Only in Hurricane would that happen" and he even looked at me and said "Welcome to Hurricane".  Then that's when the ADORABLE slideshow of us started playing. The second the video started playing I knew what was going on and seriously tears just started flowing. I looked at Jase and he just stared straight forward (I think he was nervous). I kept watching the movie, wiping tears, then would look at Jase, wiped tears, watch the video, etc.

I seriously could not believe this was happening in such a public situation. If any of you know Jase he DOES NOT like attention brought to himself. He would avoid going to school on his birthday in high school because of all the attention. So for him to ask me to marry him in front of all these people (the theater was pretty full before we got there, and Jase said he counted at least 30 more people walk in after we had already sat down) was quite the surprise.

The movie ended with the words "Will You Marry Me?" on the screen then the lights flipped on and Jase got down on his knee. Of course I said "YES!" and gave him a big hug! Everyone started clapping and cheering and I seriously was on cloud 9. I was SO happy!

Jase's brother Kaden recorded the whole thing and I'm hoping that I can someday post the video for those of you who want to watch it.

It really turned out so cute and so perfect. I had waited for this day for so long and it was finally here! BEST NIGHT EVER!

Here are some of the pictures along with the video he played that night (:

Isn't it gorgeous???

Video Played at Theater


I think my favorite part about being engaged is seeing how excited Jase is about it all. He may play tough and not say much about it...but I think between his smile in all of the pictures and him asking me to see my ring every ten minutes...it's safe to say he is one happy boy (:

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